Test Form

Application form – Trinity Academy Newcastle

Guidance notes – Form 1

Thank you for considering working for us. We want to choose the best person for the job,
no matter what their gender identity, relationship status, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief or age. We believe the best way of assessing your future performance is to look at your performance and behaviour in the past, which is why our recruitment process focuses mainly on what the job involves and how you have, or can show you can do these things. We will only ask for qualifications, experience or skills if these are relevant to the job on offer and if you would need them to be successful in the role. We ask you to provide dates of employment and qualifications only so we can confirm your work history. We do not use this information for any other purpose. We value experience you have gained at work and experience you have gained in other situations, and we encourage you to support your application with examples of how you think you have the skills, experience, qualifications and so on to do the job.
The Trust is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Our privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you before, during and after your working relationship with us, in accordance with Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). It applies to all applicants, employees, workers and contractors. You are required to read and understand the Privacy Notice that applies to you (depending on your relationship with us). The relevant privacy notice will be provided to you along with a declaration (for you to sign and date) that states you have read and understood this. If you would like to discuss this in detail, please contact the Data Protection Officer.
Part A of this form asks for personal information. We use this information to contact you and provide any extra support you may need if we ask you to come for an interview.
We use part B of this form to decide whether to interview you. This part of the form asks you to provide information about your past jobs, experience, qualifications and skills. When you fill in this part of the form, you should link your answers to the person specification, which gives details of what skills, experience and qualifications you need to be able to do the job. If you do not provide enough evidence of how you meet the requirements of the post, we may not be able to interview you.
Part C of this form is for monitoring equality and diversity only. We separate it from the rest of your form when we receive it, so that it is not seen by anyone involved in deciding whether to offer you a job. However, if you tell us that you have a disability, we will give this information to the shortlisting managers to make sure they comply with our Guaranteed Interview Scheme.
Please fill in this application form in black ink or use a black font. This is because we may need to photocopy it.
For jobs working with children, young people and vulnerable adults (as well as some other jobs), if we choose you for the job we will also need to contact the Criminal Records Bureau to find out if you have a criminal record. A criminal record will not automatically stop you from getting the job but we will consider the nature of the offence when assessing how suitable you are for the job. If you fail to fill in a disclosure form when we ask, we will not be able to employ you. You can find more information about this in our ‘Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders’. You can get a copy of this policy statement by phoning Central Admin on 0191 298 6950 option 1
Unfortunately, we are not able to contact everyone who applies for a job with us. If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, you should assume that your application has not been successful.
We look forward to receiving your application.

Application form Part A

 Job you are applying for:Job Reference Number:
Contact Details*
 First NameLast Name
May we call you on your daytime number?*
Note: We will use email to communicate with you during and after the recruitment process. Please consider this as you may not want to use your work email address. Please tick this box to confirm that you are happy for us to communicate with you by email.*


Please provide two references, one of which should be from your present or most recent employer (if you are applying for a job which needs a disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau, we will take up these references before we interview you).

Reference 1*
Organisation, address and postcode
Phone Number:
Job title:
Relationship to you:
Can we contact this person before we interview you?*
Reference 2*
Organisation, address and postcode:
Phone Number:
Job title:
Relationship to you:
Can we contact this person before we interview you?*