
Vision - To create confident, competent and kind citizens of the future

How do we know if we are successful?

  1. All academies become trauma-informed by 2025
  2. The values of Calmness, Kindness and Honesty can be observed across all academies.
  3. Our core purpose can be measured in the following way…

We look to achieve these ‘measures’ within 3 years.

Pre-16 Academies

Confidence measures

  • 90% learners either making progress towards, or working at, age-expected levels in the confidence* indicators of the SEMH assessment.

Competence measures

  • 90% learners leave KS4 with a qualification in English and Maths.
  • 70% learners to achieve their reading age (raising to 90% by end of 2024-25).
  • 90% achieve their EHCP targets
  • 90% learners progress to sustained positive destinations

Kindness measures

  • 90% learners either making progress towards, or working at, age-expected levels in the compassion* indicators of the SEMH assessment.

Post-16 Academies

Confidence measures

  • 90% learners either making progress towards, or working at, age-expected levels in the confidence* indicators of the SEMH assessment.

Competence measures

  • 90% learners who have no prior attainment leave Post- 16 with a qualification in English and Maths.
  • 90% learners progress to sustained positive destinations
  • 90% of those learners with EHCP plans achieve their targets

Kindness measures

  • 90% learners either making progress towards, or working at, age-expected levels in the compassion* indicators of the SEMH assessment.